WCALP Membership & Administration

Board of Directors
Duane Hutter, Chairperson
John M. Jamison ll, Vice-Chairperson
Mary L. Trunzo, Treasurer
Alquin Heinnickel
Ryan Harr
Ralph Frye
FR. Fred Byrne
Samuel Smail
Director: Betty J. Reefer
Solicitor: Denis Zuzik, Esquire

Supported By
Support for the Westmoreland County Agricultural Land Preservation Program is provided by:
- The Westmoreland County Commissioners
- Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Farmland Preservation
- USDA Farm Service Agency
- USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
- Federal Farm & Ranchlands Protection Program
- And the 20 Townships and Local Governments that have established Agricultural Security Areas.
- Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission
- Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
- Loyalhanna Watershed Association
We who have a hand in preserving these farms can reap a satisfaction that few people can ever feel in a mere ‘job’. We are involved in keeping in this country one of the real touchstones of our civilization. Daniel Webster once said in a speech, “When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.” If he was correct, and I believe he was, then we who toil in the vineyard of preservation are the protectors of human civilization.
You can help lead the way.
If you own a farm and want to become part of Pennsylvania’s ‘nation-leading’ farmland preservation program, please contact us at the Westmoreland County Agricultural Land Preservation Program. Eligibility criteria, how to make an application; procedural steps in the approval process; and questions about preservation payments are examples of the information you can receive from the WCALP. You can also help protect farmland and preserve your farm by:
- Buying locally produced agriculture products.
- Supporting your local farm markets.
- Encourage your locally elected officials to support the protection of our valuable farmland.
- Teach your children where their food comes from.